It may come as no surprise to you who read this blog
regularly when I say that I have a bit of a soft spot for the children I meet
here in Chad. Yes, many of them are terrified of the strange colour of my skin
and I can’t get anywhere near them without them screaming while the babies
rarely wear nappies so having a cuddle with them can be a risky business! For
older children, especially in the villages, their childhood is short lived as
they become involved in the household tasks and looking after younger siblings.
School is attended by some, but this can be intermittent and illiteracy is a
real challenge here. In the evenings, when daily tasks have been completed and
the heat of the day cools, toys are made from odd bits of sticks or rubbish
found around the place. One popular game I’ve seen for little girls is to tie
an old broken flip flop to their back as they carry on with their important
tasks with their ‘baby’ securely attached.
Life for children here can be tough and in my line of work,
obviously it is the health of the children that has particularly struck me
since my arrival to Chad. Children who are undernourished, sick with easily
preventable illnesses and diseases or children who are bought to the hospital
too late have been challenging and difficult situations to see. Just over a
year ago, the Hunger Prevention Programme was launched at Guinebor II in a bid
to try and reduce the number of children suffering from easily preventable
illness and to improve their health. During the first year of this project a new
clinic was established available to all children to be weighed and receive free
nutritious food, as well as the mothers being taught basic health promoting
practices individually and in group settings.
However, a significant part of the project has only just
been realised as the necessary equipment was located, bought, transported from
Europe to Chad and finally installed in the hospital. It is with great
excitement that the hospital here can now offer a fundamental service in child
health- vaccinations.
The logistics of offering such a service have not
necessarily been straight forward. For example, maintaining a strictly
controlled cold chain for the storage of the vaccines is an important
consideration. Unlike the UK, during some months of the year the temperatures
in Chad are daily in the high 40’s and can occasionally break the 50C
threshold. With no electrical power available, maintaining a cold chain of 2-8C
is easier said than done. However, after much research a World Health
Organisation approved solar powered vaccine fridge was sourced, funded by the
Hunger Prevention programme and, having travelled from South Harrow, arrived a
few weeks ago amidst great excitement. (With its ridiculously thick insulated
wall to keep the cool in and the heat out, there was a significant sigh of
relief when, after all the exterior packaging was stripped, it could indeed be squeezed
through the door of the pharmacy with millimetres to spare!)